Warrior Soul Blog: Empower Your Journey


I’m here to help you learn how to make food to fuel your body and work FOR it to give you energy. I'm sharing tips and resources to help empower you to own your health & happiness with real, whole food eating and self-care.

The Word Motivation is NOT Always Motivating...

Jan 26, 2023

Get this. No one is always motivated.

Motivation wanes... and that’s where our discipline and habits need to take over.

Now that we have that straight — here are two things you can do to help yourself stay consistent with getting in your healthy movement:

👟Lay out workout clothes, socks, shoes, hat, and anything else you need the night before. ( Put it next to the coffee pot if you have to🤣)

🗓 Schedule every workout. You wouldn’t duck out of a work call or an appointment for your kids, so I don’t cancel on yourself either.

And here’s the most important bonus tip... Do NOT exercise for weight loss, or even for maintaining weight loss. That happens through nutrition and the simple healthy habits our program teaches. Exercise is for strength, heart health, endurance, and mental health. Create healthier HABITS and practice them daily for epic results. #healthcoach #healthylifestyle #healthyhabits

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