Warrior Soul Blog: Empower Your Journey


Iā€™m here to help you learn how to make food to fuel your body and work FOR it to give you energy. I'm sharing tips and resources to help empower you to own your health & happiness with real, whole food eating and self-care.


Mar 05, 2022

Confession: I’d start each new year with a list of major goals I wanted to crush …… but then just a few months later, they seemed like a distant memory. 

They felt like too much work … too much stress …  just “too much” in general!

There’s actually a name for these huge goals: BHAGs, aka “Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals.”

You know the goals I’m talking about – you know…going after that big health goal, signing up for that road or obstacle race, getting in the best shape of your life for your wedding, vacation or just because.

Fact: I still love BHAGs. But now I know how to actually make them happen. 

The good thing about BHAGs is they push you out of your comfort zone.

But the bad thing: Sometimes we actually NEED a little break. You can’t be “all go” all of the time. 

This is why I now use “SPRINT” goals.

It’s actually fun. I see how much I can accomplish in 30, 60, or 90 days toward my BHAG, through daily consistent action.

Then I take a short “off” period to settle in, and when I’m ready, I SPRINT again!

We’re about to head into the second quarter of the year – which is the perfect time to set a new SPRINT challenge.

I’m excited to get started on mine – how about you?

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