Warrior Soul Blog: Empower Your Journey


Iā€™m here to help you learn how to make food to fuel your body and work FOR it to give you energy. I'm sharing tips and resources to help empower you to own your health & happiness with real, whole food eating and self-care.


Mar 16, 2022

Did you know that you need to drink at least HALF of your bodyweight in ounces in water every day!  Yep, that’s right…HALF! 

If you work out, either add an additional 8 to 10 ounces, or don’t count the water you drink during your workout towards your required amount for that day.


1. Start each day with a big glass of water as soon as you wake up. (see morning mojo below!)

2. If you drink coffee or other caffeinated beverages, DOUBLE the amount of it you drink, in water. Example: if you have 8 ounces of coffee, drink an ADDITIONAL 16 ounces of water.

3. If you drink coffee to start your day, eat your breakfast FIRST.

Why? Coffee is an appetite suppressant. If you don’t eat breakfast, you will tend to binge eat late at night.

Water will help you feel fuller, longer. Drink it before each meal and you’ll eat less.

4. Flavor your water with fresh sliced cucumber, strawberries, or lemon to keep things interesting.

  • BEFORE you put any junk into your mouth, ask yourself: “Is this worth it?” 

    How you know it’s worth it: it’ll make you feel great afterward because it’s helping you to move closer to your goals, rather than farther away from them.  

Want an extra boost to your metabolism and get a little daily detox in?

We call this the morning mojo….baby…any Austin Powers fans out there?

This morning tonic will help purge toxins that built up in your body while you were sleeping.  It will kick-start your metabolism and stimulate your circulatory system.  

Here are a few options for you to try.

Option A: Wake-Up Mojo: Water, Lemon & Cayenne Pepper 

Grab your favorite mug and fill it with purified warm water, 1/4 fresh-squeezed lemon juice and a pinch of cayenne pepper. 

Option B: Lemon Ginger Water 

12 ounces of room temperature purified water, 1/2 fresh squeezed lemon, and then add 1/2” piece of finely grated ginger that you hand squeeze the juice out of into your water.

The lemon juice will help to alkalize your body’s pH and cleanse.  This will speed up the release of toxins from your body.  

Your “Morning Mojo” will have a wonderful detoxifying effect on your body, enhance your immune system, help to give you clearer skin, and launch your metabolism to get your day started!

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