Warrior Soul Blog: Empower Your Journey


I’m here to help you learn how to make food to fuel your body and work FOR it to give you energy. I'm sharing tips and resources to help empower you to own your health & happiness with real, whole food eating and self-care.

Who is your alter ego? Like, your ULTIMATE role model?

Sep 05, 2022

Who is your alter ego? Like, your ULTIMATE role model?

It could be a fictional character, a business leader, a family member, an athlete, a celebrity or other person you look up to.

Or, it could even be YOU, after you’ve achieved the goals you want to achieve. Maybe it's even a character you create, with qualities you want more of in your life!

Do you want to know my alter ego? 

It’s WONDER WOMAN! I mean come on, what little girl didn’t want to be her growing up? She’s beautiful, strong, powerful and she looks great in a short skirt. She is inside each and every one of us, when we tune into our warrior side.  She’s every woman alter ego.

So, here’s the real point of this. 

The next time you’re feeling unmotivated or need a little help to get back on track …

Channel your alter ego! Assume their identity – and use it to motivate yourself to take ACTION!

It’s crazy how amazing this works.

For me, if I am feeling overwhelmed and tempted to skip the gym or grab fast food instead of meal prepping, I would think…What would Wonder Woman do? I should make that into a bracelet…WWWD. Wonder Woman wouldn’t let a bump in the road get in the way of her goals. She keeps her eyes on the prize and keeps going, no matter what!

And  Wonder Woman would never crawl back in bed instead of getting up to workout before work. That motivates me to get it done.

Now, this might seem like a weird thing to do … but it works on a pretty deep level.

That’s because when you remove yourself from the equation and see it through your alter ego’s eyes, you will notice your priorities shift. 

It happens almost automatically.

It will help give you CLARITY about what’s important to you, without all the busyness or stress that you’re feeling.

It helps crystallize the actions you need to take to stay aligned with your priorities and reach your goals! 

And it provides the motivation to get it done!


So my fun assignment for you today is to choose (or create!) your alter ego. And then the next time you feel yourself sliding off-track, put them to work for you.

Are you in? What do you think?!

Have you tried this before!?

Let me know your alter ego in the comments, or if you’re feeling a little shy, drop me a DM. This is all about making it fun!



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